Elex 2 characters
Elex 2 characters

elex 2 characters

The official website mentions a 'massively improved control system'. Depending on what faction you joined, what companions you chose, how you acted within the moral system, and several other choices in the game will lead to a specific ending, telling you what your actions have meant for the fate of the world and its characters. The choice of the faction you join is an important part of that experience, too. Some consequences will be happening directly, some much much later, spanning over different acts. Piranha Bytes: The world reacts heavily to the player’s choices, even entire battles are happening or not happening because of what the player did. Will choices matter more in ELEX II? How many different endings can players expect? Piranha Bytes: Yes! There are more characters with whom Jax can get into a romantic relationship and the storylines of these characters are also more complex, giving more room for romances.

elex 2 characters

Will romances be deeper and more involved in this sequel? Piranha Bytes: There are more factions to choose from and we will tell you more about the factions soon. Speaking of factions, is Jax still restricted to only joining one at a time? And you can even alter the end of the game and the state in that you leave the world behind when the game is over. Depending on how you answer, on how you play your character, the world will react towards you. Piranha Bytes: Your answers will have strong consequences – and we like contrasts. destruction" be different from the "cold" system in ELEX and how does it play into the different factions in the game? Piranha Bytes: No, but they have different ways of helping you during combat and will come with an interesting backstory and quests to experience.Ĭan you elaborate on the new moral system? How will "creation vs. Will it be possible to revive them/for them to revive you, and to improve their capabilities by acquiring new skills or items? But there will also be some new ones to cooperate with. And they are willing to follow him again. But when he returns, he will still meet a lot of familiar faces, including some of his old companions. Piranha Bytes: Six years have passed and Jax has chosen to live alone in the wasteland of Carakis, leaving the other factions behind. How much time has it been since the events of the previous game? Will any former companions come back? Piranha Bytes: We have indeed looked into it, but after analyzing ELEX and the players’ behaviour, we found out that over 90 % of all players hat chosen the finale we have now made canon for ELEX II. We’ve also overhauled the AI of your enemies and also redone all animations.ĭid you look into importing saves from the first game? If not, how will the actions made by players in ELEX matter in ELEX II? That makes it much more dynamic than before. The players have more direct control, it’s up to the players to decide how long they raise a sword or a club to intensify an attack – the longer you hold, the harder you hit. And the third most important change was the overhaul of the combat system. Although the game world did not grow compared to ELEX, there is much more to do in ELEX II. Something that’s not jumping straight into your eyes is the increased density of content throughout the world. Piranha Bytes: True flying is the new feature everyone will notice, as well as aerial combat. What are the main innovations that you've put into ELEX II?

Elex 2 characters